Surname, first name, first name:

Ibragimova Nazira Nazmiddinovna

Your place of birth:

Angren city, Tashkent region

Which secondary school/vocational school did you graduate from?:

Angren Polytechnic Vocational College

Your field of study:

Basics of national idea and spirituality and legal education (external), 1st year

Why did you choose Angren University?:

My goal in choosing a university is, firstly, a higher educational institution, secondly, the teachers are highly qualified teachers, thirdly, I should have a good profession, the teaching processes are at a high level, there is a strong demand for our studies, and the lessons are at an understandable level. As I wished, higher education institutions were closed in Angren, the opening of this university was a news that made us very happy. I really liked the study process, especially the exchange of ideas with fellow students, happiness, I managed to feel that being a student is a golden period, even for a while.

Write about yourself:

My achievements include a driving license, a hairdressing certificate, and a cooking certificate. My goal is to study more and make a career, to drive a car, to show respect for it by wearing an internal affairs uniform, and to raise this profession to the highest level, and also to read books. I am interested in winter and language learning, I started to learn more skills by participating in various clubs.

What profession do you want to take up in the future? And what are your goals for this?:

I want to become an internal affairs officer, my goal is to contribute to the peace of our country, to love the country, to contribute to the peace of the country, and to love the chosen profession, to enlighten future generations to love the country. formation

What advice(s) would you give to students who want to apply to university?:

My advice is that the next generation should not waste their time and take advantage of every opportunity. In the first and only university of its kind opened in Angren, learn knowledge with diligence and not with sugar. As Angren University is a private university, the conditions are created in accordance with the current requirements. The most valuable advice I can give to young people who cannot decide where to study is - the door of Angren University is always open to everyone who wants to become a student! Come see it, you won't regret it!