Surname,last name, first name:
Kurbanova Makhtuma Fazliddinovna
Your place of birth:
Tashkent region
Your field of activity:
Primary education
Your position:
Head teacher
Your education and your last higher education institution:
Higher - TVDPI, primary education methodology
Your scientific works:
"Methodology of creating academic learning clusters from subjects for children with intellectual disabilities in inclusive education"
Your articles published in scientific journals:
1. "Improving the efficiency of inclusive education in primary classes" 20.11.2023. Journal of interdisciplinary innovations and scientific research in Uzbekistan.
2. "Methodology of PIRLS research primary education" 20.11.2023. Web of Teachers: Inderscience Research.
3. "Problems and solutions of stabilization of the space of inclusive education and coordination of its pedagogical conditions" 11.11.2023. Journal of interdisciplinary innovations and scientific research in Uzbekistan.
4. "Preparation of students for inclusive education through effective organization of educational work in specialized state educational institutions" 08.11.2023. Journal of interdisciplinary innovations and scientific research in Uzbekistan."
Write about yourself:
Currently, I am conducting scientific research on the implementation of inclusive education in general education schools, collecting information on the PIRLS International Assessment Program. I am very interested in reading books, I also participate in volleyball. I can communicate freely in Russian and in English with the help of a dictionary.
Why did you choose to work at Angren University?
First of all, in order to further increase my scientific potential, and then I took into account the proximity of the university to my living area.