Surname, last name, first name:

Gaziyeva Nigora Shamsiddinovna

Your place of birth:

Tashkent region

Your field of activity:

Pedagogy and psychology

Your position:

Head teacher

Your education and your last higher education institution:

Higher - TDVPI, Elementary and practical psychologist

Your articles published in scientific journals:

1. Children are the foundation of the future. (Scientific journal "Scholar" November 2023)

2. The role of the future teacher in increasing the educational effectiveness of pedagogical-psychological communication and behavior laws. ("Interdisciplinary Innovations and Scientific Research in Uzbekistan" magazine, November 20, 2023.)

3. Psychological aspects of game activity that organizes the educational brain activity (Web of teachers: Inderscience Research. International journal, November 2023)

4. Educator and his role in preschool education activities (ERUS. Educational Research in Universal Sciences, October 2023)"

Write about yourself:

A wide range of interests, theater, dance, reading books, sports basketball, swimming, positive sharing with people. I know Russian well.

Why did you choose to work at Angren University?

I participated in the competition and was accepted to Angren University. Further improvement of my knowledge and experience (with luck, obtaining the pinnacle of candidate's dissertation), formation of sufficient knowledge, qualifications and skills for future profession holders, and further development of their creative abilities.