Surname, last name, first name:

Khudoyberdiyeva Shirinoy Akmaljon kizi

Your place of birth:

Namangan region

Your field of activity:

Foreign language and literature

Your position:


Your education and your last higher education institution:

Master's degree - foreign language and literature of UzDJTU, majoring in English

Your scientific works:

"Lexical stylistic features of media language"

Your articles published in scientific journals:

Lexical-stylistic characteristics of the media language (in the representation of the English and Uzbek electronic press) November-2023

Write about yourself:

I like to observe more people, analyze the situations around me, and always be busy with scientific work. I speak English professionally, Russian at an intermediate level, French and Spanish at an elementary level.

Why did you choose to work at Angren University?

The atmosphere here motivates me to do my scientific work faster, to try to be like professors and mentors, it serves as a big learning school.