Early in the morning, the management of the University and the young men congratulated the women and girls on the occasion of "March 8 International Women's Day" and shared an upbeat mood with them.

The shining sun, clear sky and solemn celebration of such an international holiday in our peaceful country, special love and attention to women pleases each of us. The souvenirs given separately by the university team and the founders made the holiday special and brought smiles to women's faces. In addition, the university administration and departments organized a competition called "Ball Girls". Beautiful, elegant and active girls like spring flowers participated as representatives of their fields of study and competed in various conditions. Their actions were duly and transparently evaluated by the members of the board, and all places were awarded special souvenirs and honorary certificates by the University administration. We congratulate the winners on behalf of the University team. So, the following girls won:

1st place: Raufova Shahrizoda - 2nd year student of the Faculty of Primary Education

2nd place: Zarnigor Isakjanova - 2nd stage part-time student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

3rd place: Abdukakhhorova Mukhlisahon, 1st stage student of the Faculty of Treatment