The goal of the "One month - one book" initiative of students and professors of Angren University is to develop reading traditions and love for books among young people and intelligentsia. It's no secret that the recent introduction of information technologies such as the Internet, telephone, and computer into our lives has led to a decline in reading not only among young people, but also among older people and parents. Today, the republican scientific-practical conference "Book is the key to happiness" organized by the initiative of Angren University was held. The initiative requires each student and mentor to read at least one book per month, to discuss their impressions with peers and colleagues, to share the best books with others, to organize debates, to raise the culture of reading among young people by organizing reading parties, roundtable discussions, and to improve reading etiquette and procedures. teaching involves mastering the secrets of reading books quickly and fluently.

At today's conference, Mayor of Angren A.A.Raimov, Rector of Angren University, professor, K.O.Sindarov,

M. Koranov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Social and Spiritual Studies

Poet, journalist, member of the Writers' Union, culture worker who served in Uzbekistan Z. Mominova

,Director of Jizzakh Regional Children's Library A.Q. Yoldoshev participated.

In addition, at the conference, for the 2023/2024 academic year, Angren University established

1st level 100% grants - to 6 people,

Level 2 75% grants - for 5 people,

Level 3 50% grants - 5 people,

Level 4 grants - 25% grant certificates were awarded to 3 students and their payment contracts were covered.