It is no exaggeration to say that on June 6 of this year, Writers Avenue, which was crowded with students, became a real space of poetry and creativity. Here, the heart-warming poems recited by the students turned the avenue into a more beautiful place.

During the trip, the students saw more than 20 of our great ancestors and great-grandfathers, such as Babur, Ogahi, Berdaq, Muqimi, Furqat, Behbudi, Avloni, Cholpon, Kadiri, Tolepbergen Kayipbergenov, Ibrayim Yusupov, Alexander Feinberg, a famous poet, who were located around the statue of Alisher Navoi. and our writers paid tribute to the statues of statesmen who left an indelible mark in our history.

In addition, "Angren University" within the framework of the "Travel to Moziy" program organized in accordance with paragraph 7 of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 27, 2022 No. PQ-261 "On measures to develop the field of services in museums" with the participation of teachers and active students, they traveled to the State Museum of the History of the Timurids. They got acquainted with a rich exposition of Amir Temur and the Timurid period.

At the same time, at the initiative of the Embassy of France in Uzbekistan, an event was held in the large hall of the State Conservatory of the Republic of Uzbekistan to strengthen cultural and educational ties. At the same time, meetings were held with the representatives of the UZ/Tashkent French Alliance Higher Education Institution "YSCHOOLS", and close contact was established with Angren University.

Students and professors of Angren University, currently studying the French language in the "Foreign Language and Literature" department, took an active part in this international event.